Thursday, June 17, 2010

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wr

She is about 9 years old and we took her to the vet, he said her skin was dry and gave us omega-3 to give her. It did nothing except make her hair oily.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

with old age comes dry skin. keep giving her the omega 3 and also try bathing her in head and shoulders dandruff shampoo and apply some baby oil with aloe before you dry her off. the oily hair wont last for long as the skin clears up so will her hair. i have a 9 year old chow with the same problem i also give her a tea spoon of childrens byndryl for the iching every night at bed time

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

i'm not sure, sorry

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

She could have/be developing some kind of allergy. Did you change her food recently? Change any kind of cleaning product in the home (ie. floor cleaner)? Get another pet? She might also have scabies ... these are a lot smaller than fleas and can't be seen without a microscope.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?


My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

Your dog may have mites. These are tiny little creatures that burrow under your dogs skin and drive her crazy. These are usually invisible to the eye, but your vet should have run a test on her when you visited.

Your poor dog could also have an allergy to something in her food or in her surroundings.

If I knew it was definately mites, I would suggest Frontline spray - this would eliminate the problem. However, if her skin is sore from all the itching, definately don't use this.

I would strongly recommend you take her back to your vet and tell him omega 3 didn't do the job. Perhaps he will take a better look this time.

I do hope she feels better soon.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

some times dry skin can not be fixed that easily try oatmeal shampoo for dogs you can get it at your vet i had the same problem.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

Dogs can get itchy skin due to food allergies, environmental allergies, fleas, mites, bacterial skin infections, fungal skin infections, or sometimes boredom. Did your vet do a skin scraping to check for mites or fungus? Have you recently switched dog food? Does she only get itchy at certain times of year? Make sure all the possiblities have been checked out before assuming it's just dry skin.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

she may have a very light case of mange.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

allergies, mites, mange.the pup should have a skin scrapping test to see what is bugging him! then treatment is a simple dip/bath with the right stuff.this should be done by your will get worse and is so easy to treat. dont let him suffer .

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

Our cat did this because he was nervous. We started giving him the run of the house, and he stopped. Go figure.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

She might be alergic, MY dogs had EXACTLY THE SMAE problem, and we gave them medications, and changed their diets, and now they are PERFECT!!!!!

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

my friends dog did that and they took her to like 5 different vets. 2 said the dog was obsessive compulsive and the rest said the dog had allergies.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

i have a parsons russell terrier that does the same thing but she does it because of anxiety, if anything has changed in your daily routine you might want to talk to the vet about pet anxiety

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

My dog was scratching and biting a lot and her fur was coming off so we took her to the vet who said it was a food allergy. We had not changed her food, but the vet said sometimes the manufacturer will change an ingredient in the formula and it can cause a reaction in some pets. We put her on a different brand and she is fine now.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

Dogs can develope food allergies at any time. Also, companies change ingredients in dog food. My dog had that problem and I switched his food to a Chicken and rice food and in a couple of weeks, he was fine. He had been nearly bald by the time I changed his food. Lamb and rice food is good, too. I don't know what it is about the beef dog food, but I have talked to other people who have experienced this.

My dog pulls her hair out and scratches. She doesn't have fleas. Any ideas about what may be wrong?

Alopecia is a condition that affects the hair. It is basically the complete or partial lack of hair in an area of the dogsé–³?body where there would usually be hair.

It can be caused by excessive scratching, chewing or rubbing against objects.

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