bumps and looseing hair were the bumps are at
Why is my dog looseing its hair and geting bumps?
It sounds like allergies. Is she itchy? I think the best thing is to take your dog to the vet and let them check it out. They see this all the time and will know exactly what the problem is. It could be anything from fleas to a grass allergy or a food allergy........even if it it just started and has never had any problems with those things before. Our dog is allergic to grass and she will scratch herself raw......she has to take an allergy pill everyday or a shot once a month and eating Beneful is the only thing that helps. If she itches you can by an itching spray and you can give her benedryl (but not sure on the dose-call the vet).......but really the best thing to do is take to the vet.
Why is my dog looseing its hair and geting bumps?
There could be many different reasons your dog could loose it's hair and get bumps. I would recommend seeing a vet as soon as possible. Most likely it will either be heat spots or some type of allergy. Hope this helps
Why is my dog looseing its hair and geting bumps?
It sounds like a flea alergy but go to the vet asap to make sure it isn't somthng more serious. If it is flea alergies, my fav flea treatment is Front Line. Best product I ever used for fleas.
Why is my dog looseing its hair and geting bumps?
during the winter my dog does the same thing she has dry skin she scratches and licks herself until she has no fur on her legs and red bumps. shes a Labrador so when she starts licking she wont stop. it could be any thing from some thing in there diet to something outside or just dry skin my vet recommended a medicated shampoo and a type of spray on oil, we also tried different foods. your vet can take a scraping off of your dog and let you know if its something to be concerned with in a mater of minutes.
Why is my dog looseing its hair and geting bumps?
could be fungal, could be allergies, could be MANGE which is very serious and needs to be treated quick and with adequate product from a Vet. In any case, since you don't know what it is, and no one can tell you without examining your dog, get it to a Vet as soon as possible.
Sarcoptic mange is SCABIES, on dogs.
Why is my dog looseing its hair and geting bumps?
From your description it sounds like mange.Make an appointment with your vet have them preform a skin scraping to check for mites. Make it sooner then later because some mites can infect you as well.
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