Is there anyway to have our dog inside without having dog hair all over every inch of the house??? Any special tricks for cleaning and de-shedding?
Pets and shedding...?
A shedding blade, rake, and a vaccume cleaner with an upolstry attachment are the three essential items for dealing with pet hair. Bathe your dog only once a month otherwise his skin will dry out and you will also have to deal with dander. Brush your dog at least once a day with the rake and once a week with the shedding blade. For short haired dogs you may want to use a sleeking brush instead everyday. Vacume your furniture with the upolstry attachment when neccessary and vacum the carpet at least once a week. This should cut down on a lot of hair and help keep your puppy clean and cool.
Pets and shedding...?
If you get one of those curly breeds, like a poodle, the shedding is pretty low. Otherwise you're out of luck. Dogs shed. All over.......
Pets and shedding...?
Unfortunately, Shedding is natural, so you can't de-shedding completely but you can reduce by brushing or hand-vaccuming their hair, off of them. Do this at least once a day, so you don't have to vaccum the house as much.
Pets and shedding...?
The best advice I can give would really depend on the breed of dog and what kind of coat they have. I have a corgi and there is hair everywhere. If they have an undercoat and a corse top coat its going to take a lot of grooming on your part. I do recommend spending the money and get the ShedEnder or the Furminator. They help to removed the undercoat and top coat. Plus a lot of brushing is needed. If you have a short hair breed like a chihuahua or english bulldog, those little hairs stick to every thing. You best bet is to invest in lint rollers and a great vaccum. I got the Dyson Pet Hair vaccum and I swear by it! Also, if it seems like they are losing hair and not just shedding, check for skin conditions and refer them to a vet. The seasons are changing and you dog is going to lose their winter coat. Shedding is just one of those facts that you deal with as a pet owner. Good luck!
Pets and shedding...?
unfortunately theres no things like deshedding. Pets, furs goes along. I have two chihuahuas, one cocker and a schaunzer. invest yourself a good vacum will help to reduce tremendously. good luck! :)
Pets and shedding...?
If you just brush your dog once a day the sheddig should stop also you may what to trime the fur. My dogs always shed and brushing their fur is the best that works. Good luck!
Pets and shedding...?
If you buy one of those rubber brushes, (the ones I use are called Zoom Groom), they help get all that excess hair out of short-haired dogs. The only way to stop the hair from getting all over is to brush the dog on a very regular basis. The groomer I work for has a process called Shed-X, that is supposed to help. It works for some dogs, but not for others. All that it really is, is bathing the dog in a shampoo that adds vitamins and minerals to the coat to stop EXCESS shedding, and then brushing all the loose hairs out. (Note: This is a long process, usually and hour and a half to two hours just for the brushing).
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