Sunday, June 20, 2010

What's under your refrigerator?

I spent an hour cleaning all the dust bunnies and dog hair out, it was nasty閳?br>What's under your refrigerator?

Beautiful ceramic tile, with an eligant coco color grout that I recently finished installing, it also has a note that reads 'this floor is dedicted to squirty, for it is the most resiliant floor to dust bunnies or hair of any sort!

What's under your refrigerator?

I wish I could help also. I really enjoy doing tile work. Happy New Yare to you Squirty! XOXO Report It

What's under your refrigerator?

dust bunnies most likely. It's due for a washin'

What's under your refrigerator?

i dont know im too afraid to look!!


What's under your refrigerator?


What's under your refrigerator?

Nothing but floor! = ]


- Brittany

What's under your refrigerator?

I really don't want to know.

What's under your refrigerator?

I don't even want to know. I have neglected it for a month now.

What's under your refrigerator?

dust bunnies and hair

What's under your refrigerator?

Probably dust.

What's under your refrigerator?

Dust bunnies, and small pieces of crumbs I'm sure.... Can't be to bad though, we just moved here in June.

Ohhhhh, I forgot. My son dropped a glass container, and I'm sure there is some under there, cause he was getting it out of the refrigerator when it broke......

What's under your refrigerator?

the floor

What's under your refrigerator?

Dust bunnies and probably a few kitty toys

What's under your refrigerator?

mmm maybe a grape.......dust.......and who knowswhat else

What's under your refrigerator?

Nothing. I keep my stuff clean.

What's under your refrigerator?

Dust Bunnies!!!!! Dog Hair!!!!! Cat Hair!!!!! LoL..

What's under your refrigerator?

omg, I am sure things are alive under there colonized and living off food my son drops and my dog misses....I suppose I should move it and clean it, I will probably find a 100 matchbox cars.

What's under your refrigerator?

Lots of dust and pet hair, like you said. Definitely nothing interesting!

What's under your refrigerator?

Probably lots and lots of dust bunnies,

and maybe a few dropped pieces of food...


What's under your refrigerator?

A wine bottle top that popped off last week. I have dog hair and dog crumbs under there. I cleaned it last year, you mean I have to clean again--dang!!

What's under your refrigerator?

I know there's no dog hair maybe people hair and dust bunnies... and maybe a missing top to something

What's under your refrigerator?


What's under your refrigerator?

same as you, pet hair, dust bunnies. I cleaned it out last month but my dog sheds so bad. I hate to go and look but since you brought it up, I'll go閳?br>What's under your refrigerator?

a white tile floor..

What's under your refrigerator?

I don't know, I am afraid to look.

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