Friday, November 27, 2009

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Thanks for the replies so far, seeing as I can't seem to answer the replies I thought I would post again.

Firstly it is NOT mange!! We have had enough dogs to know its not that. He is not shedding, its just where he has gone bald around his collar. Apparently it is a common problem, but I have no idea what to do about it!

We need to know if there is some kind of cream we can put on it. He was at the vets the other week for something else, and the vet wasn't concerned about it, but we are!

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Do you think the collar may have to do something with it? I do. Take the damn thing off for a couple of weeks and see if there is an improvement.

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Had the same thing with my Staff a few years ago. He was allergic to grass and was much worse when we mow the lawn. Sudocrem (I think thats how you spell it) was the best thing for him and my vet told me to get it Works right away

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Try some Bob Grass skincure - brilliant stuff!

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

I don't know much about it but a friend of mine has a shirpa (Wrinkle dog) and he had a similar problem and the vet told him to get the dog fixed. That could be what it is. I also know he gets medicated as well for the problem, and he will be on it forever. Good luck.

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Might your dog have a flea allergy going on around his neck? If you want to put a small amount of antiseptic cream on his skin you could try Sudocrem, available from chemists, it's fairly cheap but very good.

I have a little Staffie and the only time she wears a collar is when we're out for a walk. Neither of my dogs wear their collars all the time, I think it's a bit cruel. Mind you, both my dogs are chipped so they're identifiable anyway.

I've never known a Staffie with a skin problem like that, but mine gets a Spring allergy when grass and flowers begin to grow and she chews her feet something chronic so she needs tablets from the vet to ease the irritation, and Sudocrem is fantastic on her tummy.

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

It could be his collar rubbing the hair off or (you don't say his age) if he's young it could be due to teething, Staffs tend to get a few bald patches when they are teething. Unless his skin is damaged %26amp; sore I wouldn't worry to much, The hair will probably grow back.

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Stop the cruelty and get it to a vet

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

ok first off u havent said what kind of flea treatment you use as that can irritate their skin.

i have a little staffie girl and the only time she has a collar on is when i take her out. so u should definitly take it off for a bit and make sure when you do have the collar on that its not too tight, you are supposed to be able to get two fingers inbetween the collar and the dogs neck.

u can get skin cream at any good pet store, get one with tea tree in it. i use it on all my animals its fantastic.

hope that helps ;o)

Hair loss - Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Its probably an allergic reaction to the leather collar! Try leaving it off for a while which is a bit awkward with staffs ha ha, little sods need one but that may help. If it does and the hair appears to be growing back, swop the leather collar for a nylon one. Someone said try Sudocream which is good but Vaseline is better, just a tiny bit rubbed thoroughly into the skin.

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