Friday, November 27, 2009

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

I have noticed a small (about the size of a pea) knick on my dogs head about 3 weeks ago. At first, I thought one of the cats got her. Now, the cut part is healed but she still has a white spot where normally black fur should have grown in. Then a few days ago, I noticed it was thinning around the edges a bit, and the fur around her left eye is thinning as well. It looks just like dry skin underneath - and yes, I am taking her to the vet. The earliest they could get her in was tomorrow morning - But in the mean time... any ideas what it could be?

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

I'm not sure without looking, but that could be ringworm (don't worry ringworm isn't an actual worm)

I suggest that you don't touch the area without washing after, and since you aren't sure going to the vet sounds like a good idea.

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

dog rogaine

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

Could be a type of mange. Take her to the vet because it needs to be dealt with right away.

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

Ring worm

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

She could have a flea allergy. And all it takes is one flea for it to happen. check near her joints in her legs to see if hair looks thinner too. Face, legs and belly are naturally thinner hair spots and are usually the first noticeable place of hair loss.

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

My dog had several patches where she lost hair next to her nose. I took her to the vet and he said that it was either a fungus or mites. Ruled out the mites, and I had to use a lotion on her twice a day. That wasn't fun since she kept trying to lick it off. The spots are now growing hair again.

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

Its possible that your dog could have scratched himself by causing the knick, as you explained that it looked like dry skin under it, then it could be dry skin, has your dog been scratching alot if so try bathing him in an oatmeal bath, you can use regular oatmeal, or go to the nearest pet store or Walmart and buy dog's oatmeal shampoo, if that's what it is then his hair should grow back in no time. It could also be caused by fleas, even though he is an inside dog, yourself can carry fleas in on him, by being outside yourself. It could be a hot spot, go to and look up images and information on dryskin, hotspots, and fleas, hopefully I have helped you

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

Have you changed her dog shampoo recently? I had a friend who had the same thing happening with her English Bulldog and it was because he was allergic to the shampoo she had. The only other thing I could think of would be ringworm, but I didn't think dogs could get it, just cats and people.

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

Maybe it's ringworm. That happened to my cat.

Why is my dog losing hair on her face?

Go the the VET A.S.A.P.

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