Friday, November 27, 2009

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

My friend has a Staffy and i feel so sad for it. It has no hair on its back at the rear above its bottom. It looks sore with red spots and the skin looks white. It seems in good spirits though, very friendly and not underweight. I get the idea though that it doesn't eat dogfood. It eats my mates families leftovers. If they have a takeaway it clears the plates afterwards. Rice, curry, anything. Sunday lunchtime i've been told is its best meal. Whether this lack of nutrients is the cause i'm not sure but it obviously dosn't help. It does get plenty of bones which i take it. Cats live in the house as well as children and none of these suffer itching or any other skin ailments so that rules out flees. I'd really like to help this poor dog if i knew what to get for it. I don't want to call the RSPCA because they'll take the dog away, probably prosecute my mate, and the dog might end up put down if nobody wants him. Any kind vets out there would be a godsend.

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

Your only answer is to call a rescue group or the RSPCA. Otherwise, the dog will probably die and you'll have done nothing about it.

Sorry, but I don't have friends that abuse or neglect their animals. Perhaps it's time to reevaluate whether or not this person should be your "mate".

The cats are probably in danger, as are the children.

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?


Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

It sounds like this dog might have a skin allergy and probably is not getting enough nutrients. You can always buy some doggy vitamins from a feed store or on the net and feed him his vitamins everyday. That would be especially kind of you.

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

thats why.! should be eating dog food.

probably allergic to something really bad.


Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

take it to the vet

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

The dog may just have an allergy or extremely dry skin because of the time of year. I would definitly get the dog to a vet. I also give my dog Triple Omega pills ( from Vitamin World). It seems to help her coat and her skin. They aren't designed especially for dogs but they are affordable. My vet is okay with it.

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

It's prbably mange. Take the poor dog to the vet.


Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

Highly suspicious of a flea allergy. Take a minute and check the dog for fleas don't just assume he doesn't have them. Cats are good groomers and tend to groom off their fleas, and the kids/owners aren't going to be bitten as long as the dog and cat are in the house. Fleas prefer them.

Classic flea allergy: hairloss at the lower back and tail head. Flea bites dog, dog reacts, chews and licks the fur away. Can occur to the point that the dog damages its skin and secondary infections occur.

Look for flea "poop" - small black specks (like pepper) on the skin of the dog (or the cat). It's easier to spot the flea poop then the actual flea itself.

As a last resort, put flea meds (the good stuff such as Revolution or Advantage) on the dog AND cat. See if the problem gets better within a week or so.

And why aren't you considering a trip to the Vet? Nobody takes away a dog for a skin condition!

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

Well it sounds like this pet needs a new home. Dogs do not get all they need from people scrapes- they need dog food. I also would be worried about a skin parasite that you can't see without a skin scraping and a microscope-as in at the vets office. Am. Staff's are very prone to this little biting bug that lives in the hair shafts- it will cause redness and sometimes baldness in an area as it eats the skin and the hairshaft dies.

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

The dog isn't being fed properly, he/she should have dog food. I am sure the diet isn't helping much on the hair loss.

My step daughter's dog was loosing hair on his hind quarters near his privates, the skin was red and hot, but not swollen. The vet did a skin scrape and found that her dog had a form of mange. Her dog had series of shots and baths, the mange is under control the vet says he is doing very well, he was at a stage 3 and just today she down grade the stage to 2.

I would take the dog to a vet and rule out things.

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

it could be poor nutrition, or allergies. it need to go to the vet!

Help needed to cure a friends dog that as a lot of hair missing on its rear?

used motor oil...try that

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