Saturday, November 28, 2009

What can i do for my dog drop hair because my house got his hair anywhere.?

You can buy some thinning shears from pet stores (local or online) and it will help, as well as taking to have him trimmed.

What can i do for my dog drop hair because my house got his hair anywhere.?

Shave him down.

What can i do for my dog drop hair because my house got his hair anywhere.?

Brush him.

What can i do for my dog drop hair because my house got his hair anywhere.?

Vacuum at least once a week and brush your dog daily.

Shedding is a fact of life for most dogs. The more you brush, the more hair will be caught in the brush and not make it to the house. If your dog seems to be shedding excessively, more than usual, or at an unusual time of year, you might want to see your vet. Various things can make a dog shed more than normal. Poor diet, stress (nervousness), and various illnesses could all be the culprit.

But if your dog is just a normal, hairy dog, brush brush brush and vacuum what's left behind. There are also supplements you can find at any pet store or on-line catalog that are supposed to reduce shedding, but I don't know how well they work.

What can i do for my dog drop hair because my house got his hair anywhere.?

brush him todos los days .

What can i do for my dog drop hair because my house got his hair anywhere.?

Brush him at least once a week

What can i do for my dog drop hair because my house got his hair anywhere.?

We brush our dog with a special brush that is meant to get stray hairs from the undercoat everyday/every other day depending on what results we got the day before.

At first the dog didn't like it at all but now its our special bonding time where she can just lie down and be "petted" for a while. House stays cleaner, she gets more love- its a dual winner!

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