Saturday, November 28, 2009

I hav a maltese and need some advice on his health!?

the hair around his eyes are changeing and staining to a rust red color around them and its gotten worse and worse every day! i dont know wat to do and it wont wipe off! i know white dogs hair changes color around it but i have never seen it this bad!!

I hav a maltese and need some advice on his health!?

you do know there is a pets section right ?

well anyway, i have a maltese shitzu and she gets this too. Its like their tears and it stains their fur because their fur is white. Its nothing to worry about. If his eyes get gunky then just wipe of the gunk with a warm face washer. you cant do anything about the reddish stain though, its just the breed. you can take him to a groomer and they will cut the hair around is face a little shorter but that is the only thing i can suggest

I hav a maltese and need some advice on his health!?

its common lol. don't worry, all malteses get it. its called tear staining, its not a big deal, all malteses have it. my cousin's maltese has the same thing, its a dark red/burgundy color dw.

I hav a maltese and need some advice on his health!?

If you go to a pet store or ask a groomer there is a special product you can use that will help with getting out the stains. It's very normal.

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