Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why do German Shorthaired Pointers shed so much?

How do I control the shedding so my home isn't full of dog hair?

Why do German Shorthaired Pointers shed so much?

Short haired dogs aren't supposed to shed a lot. If yours is shedding, it may be stressed. Especially considering that the warmer months haven't arrived yet, so he/she should be shedding his/her winter coat for awhile.

Why do German Shorthaired Pointers shed so much?

The first thing you should watch for is the soap u use to give him a bath. It must be a special soap, one that would not get rid of all of that grease dogs have. You recognise the grease from the smell, it is not very pleasantful. This grease, though, is a natural defence the dog has and you can't simply get rid of it completely, or your house will end up full of dog's hair. Recommended action would be washing him less frequently, (once every month, or every two weeks) and chose a good soap or shampoo that will be respectful to the smelly grease your dog has.

Why do German Shorthaired Pointers shed so much?

I really wish I knew, I have a white and cinnamon female, but have Black fabric furniture!

Why do German Shorthaired Pointers shed so much?

like the other person said it could be stress or it could be the type of dog food you are feeding. you may need to find a food with omga 3 and stuff like that in it. short haird dogs shed as much as long haired dog do.

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