Our dog is 1 1/2 years old. She has a very shiny coat but sheds in excess. Is there a reason for this excessive shedding? Can anything be done to stop this? She is a small breed and short hair.
Why is our pet Rat Terrier female dog shedding so much hair??
Shedding season. Get a furminator.
Why is our pet Rat Terrier female dog shedding so much hair??
It's the time of year and you can't stop it. Best advice is to get a furminator and use it on her a couple of times a week. It will get the dead hair out of her coat and reduce the amount of hair she sheds on the carpet, sofa, your lap etc. You are probably going to have to use the furminator on her at least once a week year round and more often during the chnage in seasons. The good news is that they don't need to be bathed very often and their coat will feel nice and smooth.
Why is our pet Rat Terrier female dog shedding so much hair??
Dogs shed when they are nervous, not just when the weather is getting warmer. If your dog is shedding in excess, she may be nervous and just need reassurance. If things have changed at home (such as the addition of a new puppy), she may just need to adjust.
Why is our pet Rat Terrier female dog shedding so much hair??
There's not enough information to solve this.
Why is our pet Rat Terrier female dog shedding so much hair??
My husband and I have a 5 year old male Rat Terrier, 10 lbs, short haired. He sheds a lot more when he is extremely anxious about something. Have you changed your work schedule around or been extremely busy? Constantly reassure her. Rat Terriers are extremely loyal dogs, they need a lot of attention and affection too. It'll probably help! Good luck to ya!
Why is our pet Rat Terrier female dog shedding so much hair??
You should upgrade your dog food to one that is higher in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. I would recommend Nutro Sensitive skin and stomach for him. Keep him on it for a good 3 months to see results. Also, bathe him with a moisturizing shampoo.
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