Sunday, November 22, 2009

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

Dear Yahoo-answerers-

I just don't know what to do. I have been given my much-older sister's old room. I am extremely happy to finally have it- but there is a MAJOR problem- The flooring is DISGUSTING! It is the original carpet from when the house was built. It is Mauve in color with TONS of stains. I have pets- 2 cats and a dog- so when I vacuum it smells like dog hair. it also just does not smell very fresh after 19 years of wear and tear from my sister. I HATE the carpet! My question is.....what fairly inexpensive alternative can I have as flooring? I was thinking of stripping out the carpet and painting/sealing the concrete beneath, but wouldn't that be extremely laborsome and expensive? I was also thinking tiling...but that is also too expensive. I really would prefer to not ahev carpet again, because having animals that practically live in your room does not mash well with carpet. So my question is- would painting and sealing the concrete be VERY laborsome and expensive?

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

No....That would be a relatively simple, inexpensive job. You could do some faux-painting over it or even cover the whole thing with some inexpensive laminate flooring. It's a great idea, and our whole house is done that way. I tiled over part of it....painted part of it, and used laminate in a couple of rooms.

You can remove the carpet in small sections, by cutting it into pieces. That way, you wouldn't even have to remove all the furniture. You can do the same when refinishing it.

Use a flat, rough brick to smooth out any bumps or paint clumps before you begin to refinish it. Fill any gaps with concrete repair putty.

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?


Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

Strip the carpet and put down some vinyl flooring or tiles. You can even get a rug and put down if you want, so it's not cold to step on when you get out of bed.

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

Dogzilla's right laminate flooring is cheap and very simple to put in, believe me if I can do it you can! Try your local DIY shops and see who has the latest offer on for laminate flooring. Measure your room's square feet and see if any of the shops has any 'end of line' flooring, it's usually even cheaper!

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

Tiling may not be as expensive as you think! We have a room in the basement where our chinchillas are kept and we just went to Home Depot and purchased the individual, low-cost tiles and put them over the cement floor. They are attractive and VERY easy to keep clean.

If you decide to go this way, be sure to clean the floor well before placing the tiles. Start the first row along the straightest wall. Measure the width of the wall and start from the center point and work outwards.

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

You might want to consider a paint product called Damtight. Another thought, go to a store that sells products for inground swimming pools. They can tell you what to use to paint your floors.

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

Strip the nasty carpet and paint the floor. Not only will it be easy to clean, it is inexpensive and looks great.

Here are links to painted concrete floors.

And though these aren't concrete, you can still paint concrete to look like these;

I painted one years ago and then put a large rug down. It was great.

Hope this helps.

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

wood flooring

easy to clean and wipe.

dogs and cats like to go peepee and poopoo everywhere



Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

if i were you, i'd get a hardwood floor put over your concrete flooring, (an inexpensive brand of hardwood flooring), and then stick a small area rug on it to make it look nice and cute :)

you could always paint over the concrete, it takes a little labor and some time, but you could do it if you really wanted to

Concrete flooring in my bedroom?

Give Skimstone a try. It is a faux finish that i use all the time. The price will depend on the square footage, but generally not that expensive, if you do it your self.

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