Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dog itching hair off?

My black lab mix has itched and chewed all the hair off around her butt h*le (sorry) and a spot on her tail. Not long ago it was the inside of her inner back legs. But that growing back. When it first EVER happened a couple years ago it was heat rashes under her front legs (her pits) so I thought the same thing but thinking its more now. (yes I know I'm a bad pet owner) Money tight till thursday of which alot going to vet to geld a colt I justinvested a thousand into. Nice people only please. Home rem. awsome otherwise healthy.

Dog itching hair off?

My golden retriever, Pilot was getting "hot spots". He no longer gets them because of two things that I started doing and using. Certainly, it could be mange as mentioned, or it could be ringworm or hot spots. It could be one of a few things, but it's all guess work until the remedy and problem is diagnosed by a professional veterinarian. On top of this..... I believe sincerely in these two things.

First, I changed his food "after trying a few and even the more expensive natural foods". Pilot now eats Nutro Natural Choice dry food, Lamb and Rice. I NEVER EVER give him any canned dog foods. He gets veggies (ex: green beans, broccoli, carrots), mixed into his dry food. He is fed twice at am and pm.

Second, I got great medication from the vet, however, I found that GOLD BOND powder was the miracle worker in my Pilots situation. Simple and inexpensive over the counter bought at most any store whether a food store, target, walmart, k-mart. If your dogs problem is extreme, you will most likely need to get her to the Vet to care for the "out-of-hand" problem, and then use Gold Bond for use afterwards. It's a powder that is medicated.

I wish you well. Pilot has no further occurances like he did in his first 2 years of life. It was bad, but no longer.

I wish her well. I feel so bad for her.


Dog itching hair off?

it could be something like mainge try putting a sensitive hand cream like sorbeline cream on it. or powder

Dog itching hair off?

Allergy or sat in something?

Dog itching hair off?

Get your dog some wigs the he/she can have hair for every occasion.

Dog itching hair off?

I agree if it keeps coming back it maybe mange. Some mange is contagous to humans. There is no home cure for it.

I would take her to the vet Monday and put it on a credit card or something. It would not be nice for either of you to be living with mange.

Once you know what it is for sure then you can work on the cure, but until then your dog will be uncomfortable and you and anyone else around her maybe at risk.

Dog itching hair off?

My terrier does the same thing. She has "atopy" which is an allergy to fleas. They don't even have to bite her. If they make contact with her skin, she gets unbelievably itchy and chews until the area is red and raw. Sometimes I don't even see any sign of fleas. So, Stage 1 is flea eradication. Wash dog with a dog shampoo that soothes sensitive, itchy skin; some have oatmeal in them which seems to help. Hot water seems to aggravate the itch so I use lukewarm water or whatever seems to be comfortable for my dog in the bath.

I then apply Advantage Flea Control on my dog at the back of her neck. Advantage is sold by weight range of the dog and is used once a month.

I also wash all of the dog's bedding in hot water and thoroughly vacuum all areas the dog hangs out in. There are powders you can get at the pet store to sprinkle in the cracks of the sofa to kill any fleas there. (Some of the powders contain diatomaceous earth which is harmless to humans but which pierces the flea's body and kills it by dehydration. Some powders contain boric acid in small amounts that poison the flea.)

To soothe the chewed up areas on your dog, you can apply hydrocortisone cream which you can get at the drugstore or grocery store. Regular hydrocortisone cream is usually in the area where you'd find first aid creams like Neosporin.

My dog has had such a problem with atopy that some of the year we give her part of a Prednisolone tablet which is a type of cortisone available by prescription from the vet.

Good luck!

P.S. Don't use human shampoos or conditioners on your dog. Human and dog skin have very different pH levels. Also, the dog can develop this allergy as it gets older.

Don't assume that it's mange. The cat we adopted practically needed to wear pants because she'd pulled most of her fur out around her hindquarters. Neighbors thought it was mange. Vet confirmed it was just atopy. Once treated properly, her fur grew back beautifully.

Dog itching hair off?

Mange! Benzol benzoate the dog, stinks and the dog will hate it but it will work. Benzol benzoate is cheap from chemist shop, used for treating human scabies.

Dog itching hair off?

Please take her to the vet ASAP. Pay later if you have to. Demodectic mange, left untreated, can be fatal. You need to find out what this is and treat it.

Dog itching hair off?

maybe its the food, or the shampoo u use to bathe her..u should take her to the vet ASAP

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