Sunday, November 22, 2009

Has anyone else experienced these feelings?

Im 33 weeks pregnant with my first child and I really dont understand why im getting so annoyed with my pets. I have a jack russell dog and a small bird which i have always had all the time in the world for but recently they are really annoying me. I cant stand the way the dog always wants to be up on the furniture when he`s got a lovely basket, and i dispise it when he licks things coz he licks his backside with that tongue. I have never looked at my pets like this before but at the moment i just see them as germ ridden s**t machines. I think my husbands getting fed up with my constant moaning about them as the dog is actually his( He had the dog before i met him) I just keep having visions of the baby having dog hair on him or the dog licking him or something like that. But i feel guilty when i tell the dog to go to his basket as i know its not his fault, he doesnt understand, i shouldn`t have let him on the furniture in the first place.

Has anyone else experienced these feelings?

i can totally understand where your coming from its probably your nesting instinct which is making you feel like this you naturally want things clean and tidy for when your baby arrives

i feel the same sometimes i have a blue and gold macaw and shes just suddenly become a handful shes always screaming for attention not sure how ill cope with her when my baby arrives but she was here first so should learn to cope

i did have a dog when my daughter was young and the dog hair drove me mad it was always everywhere when she sat on the floor she would be crawling in it it was totally disgusting and in the end we decide a dog was not for us and we sold him

we had not had him long though so not a big deal really

sure you will learn to cope when your baby arrives

Has anyone else experienced these feelings?

yes i have a cat i had him as my first daughter was born and i was fine,and with my second. but im now 6 weeks with my 3rd baby and i keep moaning that he is not on his chair but he keeps going on all the others i get really annoyed and have to move him so maybe its just a pregnancy thing it should pass when we have the baby good luck

Has anyone else experienced these feelings?

its totally normal to experience these feelings. now that u r an expectant mother it has opened ur eyes to all the potential dangers that could harm ur baby. its ur motherly instinct kicking in. just be nice to ur dog and teach him the new rules. he will just have get used to the new way of life now that the baby is coming. he'll adapt.

Has anyone else experienced these feelings?

I know what you mean. I've been very short with our cats and dogs too. I'm 38 weeks now and it's getting better. I just have to remember to take breath. Having dirt around the house is a good thing. You do not want a sterile type atmosphere it actually does more harm than good. Studies have shown dirt and hair exposure to young ones can cut down on asthma. I have the same instinct to cover everything from our animals and use antibacterial stuff all over everyone and everything. Just remember they're building their immune system.

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