she is losing her hair on her head and is now beginning to look bald
How can I get my dog's hair to grow back?
Is the skin slightly red? Do you see other "thinning" spots on her? Does the hair loss seem to bother her, or does she just ignore it? Has she been sick, spayed, in heat, or had her rabies shot recently?
There is a mite that lives on most dogs' skin right at the base of the hair that can cause hair loss - it's called demodoctic mange (demodex, or red mange). It's not contagious to other dogs (like the more common black mange you hear about) or humans.
The mites usually go unnoticed until the dog's immune system is repressed for some reason (rabies shot, approaching a heat cycle, spay, sickness, etc.).
Another possibility is an allergic reaction to fleas. Blue Dog Rescue had a case of a dog that had a reaction to fleas that caused it to lose its hair similar to mange. The rescue group ended up having to give a flea treatment every 3 weeks instead of 4, and the dog's home needed to be controlled to minimize the amount of stagnant dog hair and dust that can breed dust mites.
Visiting your vet will be the best approach to determine what the cause of this is. Dogs don't have hair loss as they get older like humans do - something is causing this, and it is most likely either an allergy (food, flea, etc) or a disease (such as demodex).
How can I get my dog's hair to grow back?
ask your vet.
How can I get my dog's hair to grow back?
You need to find out what is causing the hair loss. Does she have mange? Is she losing hair because of scratching due to fleas? Whatever it is, you will need to treat the cause and then her hair should grow back on it's own after a while. See your vet and good luck!
How can I get my dog's hair to grow back?
How can I get my dog's hair to grow back?
You will want to talk to a vet. I would say get her a really good dog food. I think that we have given our dog NurtaMax or something like that. I know for sure that you want to talk to the vet.
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