Sunday, November 22, 2009

My dog is losing hair!!!?

I have 3 dogs and one of them, my mini schnauzer is losing hair on her hips. She doesn't itch or scratch, it isn't red or hot, it's just missing. I'm wondering if it is stress. We have had life changes where people are suddenly not home as much as we used to be. This happened to her one time before, just one patch, but then the hair grew back. She doesn't have fleas and the other dogs don't have this problem. Any ideas???

My dog is losing hair!!!?

I agree with Madison. I am not a run to the vet kind of person but with her being older and not scratching and stuff... there is a chance it is something that needs the vet... like thyroid or even an allergy that developed over time :(

It bites. My hubby and I fight when he is in town, I told him the neighbors even knwo when he is back because the hair falls off my boogies back cause he feeds her CHEESE DOODLES... UGH!!!

My dog is losing hair!!!?

You need to have the dog evaluated by a vet to make sure it's not a medical condition causing the sudden hair lose. It could be a number of things (stress, mange, etc).

My dog is losing hair!!!?

That happens with one of my dogs sometimes if she isn't getting enough fat in her diet. We just make sure that we buy the kind with a lot of fat or we put some cooking oil on hers. It fixes itself in a few days to a week.

My dog is losing hair!!!?

Could be mange or an allergy

My dog is losing hair!!!?

Sounds like a repeat of the situation she had before, but I'd get her checked, just to make sure. If it's anxiety, there is medication for it, and she'll feel much better! KJL

My dog is losing hair!!!?

You may have to switch what dog food she eats. I would contact your locale vet to be sure.

My dog is losing hair!!!?

Vet.. i had kinda the same problem with my chihuahua.. they gave us some kinda liquid lotion and his hair is growing back..

My dog is losing hair!!!?

my dog has the same problem! hes 13, but it started back a few years ago. the vet thought it was because of old age, but he was tested for thyroid problems, and thats what it turned out to be. if i was you, take your dog to the vet just to be cautious!

My dog is losing hair!!!?

Some dogs have weaker immune systems than others, and they can get patches of demodectic mange. This is caused by a mite harboured by most dogs but only causes trouble in those whose immune systems aren't great. A skin scraping by your vet can tell you if that is the problem.

You do also need to have her thyroid tested, definitely.

You can do some things to bolster her system - get her on a food with anti-oxidants, give her omega-3 oil (fish oil), and make sure she is not allergic to anything she is eating.

For those patches of demodectic mange, if that's what it turns out to be, the common treatment is with ivermectin, which is a tough wormer, or you can consider using neem oil.

This was was suggested during a Tufts Veterinary Dermatology seminar by their dermatologist Lowell Ackerman, and it works!

I used it on my 4 year old Aussie rescue dog who had a patch of it over one eye - we don't like to use ivermectin in Aussies. I mixed the neem oil - gotten from the local health food store for about $10- with the same amount of olive oil. I applied the mixture on the spot twice a day, and after several days, the fur had started to grow back in. It's now all gone, and looks normal!

Where it is on her hips, you should put an E-collar on her for a while, or she'll just lick it off.

My dog had been to the vet, who had done a scraping and examined the sample - little demodex mites waving back at her.

The neem oil is a natural insecticide, and is used in organic gardening to get rid of aphids and mites on plants. But it is safe to use on dogs or humans.

Good luck - hope this helps!

My dog is losing hair!!!?

dogs molt hair at certain times of the year usualy towards spring andsummer time or due to seasonal mateing times. just groom the dog regularly and keep her happy and entertained these natural events could be flawd due to past breading paterns a slight genetic malfunction but maybe it will pass!

My dog is losing hair!!!?

It could be what's referred to as "Recurrent Flank Alopecia" or "Seasonal Flank Alopecia"

It sounds odd, but from what I've read it has something to do with the shortened days in the winter months.

Maybe that's it?

My dog is losing hair!!!?

if she does not have fleas and is otherwise healthy you might want to think about her diet make sure you give her a good quality diet and also check that you are not over feeding her as this can result in extra hair loss as well as other problems give her a good quality easy to digest diet and make sure you do not feed her too much,

My dog is losing hair!!!?

I would say look at her diet. If there is no flea or skin condition i.e redness of weeping, try an organic type food but i would say, consult your vet. Look on-line at mini schnauzer and there contra-indications (problems).

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