Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

I don't know what to do my 17 month old daughter puts everything and I mean everything in her mouth. It's so disgusting!!! I bring her to my work and anything she finds she'll put in her mouth. I don't know what to do. I've tried looking straight in her eyes and saying nicely please don't put anything in your mouth. I've tried plucking her mouth, saying a firm no, acting like I was sad because she was doing it but nothing is working. I've found the most disgusting things in her mouth, for example: dog hair from a dog that I don't know, paper off the floor that's been there forever. The thing is is she'll look right at me at put something in her mouth. I could be walking over to her to get whatever she has in her hand out but she'll scoop it in her mouth real quick. Please tell me what works. Please no silly comments.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

My son was the EXACT same way....But i taught him a lesson and he broke that habbit THAT day. I put some tobasco just a tiny bit, on something and put it on the floor, and left it there. He went over of course picked it up and put it in his mouth. He didnt like it one bit so he spit it out and never did it again. I tried different "Gross" but harmless foods and things and found that this worked the best. Try it, it will stop. They will be scared to put things in their mouths not knowing what its going to taste like. And when she does it say SEE thats why we dont put yucky things in our mouths. GOODLUCK :)

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

This is 100% normal. The way a toddler learns about the world is to put things in his/her mouth. It's called the "oral phase" of development. You just need to watch her all the time. That is the hard part when children aren't old enough to learn what to do and what not to do and to control their own impulses. Just keep taking the things out of her mouth and telling her, "That isn't something you put in your mouth."

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

This is very common, all children go through this. You are just going to have to be persistent and keep removing things from her hands and mouth. And be patient, this to shall pass. Good luck and God bless.*

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

every child goes through this stage and both of mine went through it i was alway fishing things out of there mouth. say firmly no it's dirty. it take ages to stink in with children this young but she will soon learn good luck.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

Try a simple solution: Say NO! Yucky! Blech! And stick out your tongue when she puts something gross in her mouth.

That worked for me. If it still doesn't work you can always smack her hand lightly and take it from her mouth along with saying NO! Yucky! Blech!

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

There is nothing that really works. You just keep a sharp eye and make sure you get the dangerous stuff, choking hazzards, poison etc.. Most things like dog hair and bugs will not hurt them.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

Give her things that are acceptable to put in her mouth. Teething rings, ice, etc. Some children are more oral than others. I have been there my oldest son was one of those and at some point he just quit.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

my son use to do that and he end up finding out the hard way. while at a BBQ he drunk some literfluid and end up going to the hospital for a week and after that u cant get him to drink or eat anything. but dont let her do that but get something really nasty then put it where she can get it and that should stop her.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

Only time will fix that. She is just at they stage.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

That's just what babies do. My youngest did that. I once thought he swallowed a screw that had come out of the wall for a towel rack. Talk about scary!

There isn't really anything you can do, just get on her level and scope out the floor to make sure there isn't anything down there. Eventually she will grow out of it.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

This is a behavior all kids have. you cannot teach her not to do it.

YOu must limit her access to things you don't want her putting in her mouth. Nothing will work to change this except her getting older. All kids do this. She is not doing anything wrong. She is doing what every kid is programmed to do. You have to supervise and limit her access to things you don't want in her mouth. Child-proof your home. And taking her to work is a problem unless you have a playpen. She will do this for awhile and then get over it. Meanwhile you have to control this. She can't. She is not disobeying you. She is only being a human.

Trying to learn about the world.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

It's normal !! My son who is almost 3 yrs old..STILL does this! It's annoying but a part of them finding out about their surroundings!! Maybe don't make a big deal about it...and she'll stop..it's starting to work with my son...He walks up to me with a match box hanging out of his mouth...I don't even acknowledge it there...

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

Just say..it's yuk that's what i tell my 20 month old daughter..she knows now that anything that's on the floor is yuk she also sees me sweeping the floors at home and i tell her...this floor is so yuk i have to clean it..and i show her if she finds something on the floor to put it in the trash can and she does that too..u need to repeat it for a while..and then they will understand.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

ok... i have three nephews under 5 and a neice that is almost one... youngsters tend to stick EVERYTHING in their mouths... i think its because they want to feel it and taste it and feel how it feels in their mouths... what i would suggest trying to keep things that you dont want to find its way into her mouth... maybe leave something for her to snack on infront of her... and she will go for that...

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

Try and keep toys or things that you're okay with her having in her mouth around. She's really still too young to physically disipline (plucking in mouth) b/c it will just confuse her. Bring a play mat or blanket with you and surround her with toys. When she gets a hold of something you don't want her to have do continue to take it from her an firmly say no but honestly this won't stop her from trying to discover everything she can- it will however, establish your authority which will come in handy as she ages. Good luck and take time for yourself so you don't lose your patience!

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

When my son puts things in his mouth (when he was that age), we took that toy or another toy away. Once he stopped, he could earn them back. It worked well.

Please help..PARENTS only (or others with good advice)...I'm at my wits end.?

I had the same problem!Its normal,my daughter now about to be two has finally slowed down on putting things in her mouth!I don't think you can make her stop!She'll grow out of it!

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