Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Does My Dog Loose Hair?

I Have A 3 Year Old German Shepard Named Xena And For Some Reason She Looses Hair And I Mean ALOT Of Hair

Why Does My Dog Loose Hair?

It's because she's a dog. All dogs shed, even those that are reported not to, i.e. Border Terriers, Chihuahuas, etc.

Why Does My Dog Loose Hair?

she might have a deseise. get it checked by a vet, also it is summer, and g. sheps. do shed alot, consider a hair cut

Why Does My Dog Loose Hair?

Mange or another disease. Google it.

Why Does My Dog Loose Hair?

I walk a German Shepherd and she looses a lot of hair too! It's probably just because she's a little late shedding her winter coat, so it's coming all out now.

If you are really concerned, take a visit to the vet. There are some diseases in which dog loose abnormally large amounts of hair.

Why Does My Dog Loose Hair?

If she has hair missing in places, sores, or a kind of rough scaley texture to her skin, it could be allergies.

If its just hair falling out and not leaving bald spots, then that's just normal shedding.

Why Does My Dog Loose Hair?

She's just losing her winter fur, she's shedding, no worries, just brush her outside everyday with a brush.

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