At the pound or at a rescue, there are LOTS of good short-hair small dogs available. Check for the ones that are near you, and thanks for taking interest in saving a dog's life.
What is a good short-hair small dog to get that is cheap or available at the pound?
try going and looking at your local pound.
What is a good short-hair small dog to get that is cheap or available at the pound?
Try a Jack Russel they make great pets.
What is a good short-hair small dog to get that is cheap or available at the pound?
Chihuahaua is a pretty reliable breed. They are low maintenance hair wise and love to cuddle. My local animal shelter usually has one or two a week. Let the animal shelter know you are looking for a specific breed of dog(whatever you decide to get) so you can see it before it someone scoops it. You can find inexpensive dogs in the paper or flyers at places like the groomer and smaller local pet supply stores. Pugs or Boston Terriers are also great short haired smaller dogs. Good luck.
What is a good short-hair small dog to get that is cheap or available at the pound?
Hey, the amazing thing about the pound is that it has both mix breeds and pure bred dogs. Some 40% of the dogs killed in pounds are pure bred dogs. A good short haired dog is a pug. They dont eat alot depite their chubby appearance when they are older. They also don't require alot of exercise if you lead a reallly busy lifestyle. Also, chihuahuas are great for all the reasons above as well as mini pinchers. Jack russells are awesome but very energetic if you are low key. If you like an active dog that is really protective then a Jack Russell is great. All these dogs have short hair. Please dont over look a mixed breed while you are there. Some have the best personalities and often are healthier than some pure breeds. Good for you for being willing to give a dog a chance at life. If you find one you like dont wait to long = most pounds kill within 5 days.
What is a good short-hair small dog to get that is cheap or available at the pound?
the best thing to do is just keep checking at the pound to see what comes in cuz there is no way of telling. But adopting a dog from the pound is the best way because you are giving them a home and most are the best dogs ever.
What is a good short-hair small dog to get that is cheap or available at the pound?
Dachshund- alot of cities have dachshund rescue shelters that you can just rescue the dog.
Other wise I would go to you local pound and see what they have.
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